Passion for people and results

Our values

Committed: we connect people with themselves and with each other.

Responsible: we take responsibility and motivate other to do the same. Independent, between parties. Without judgement.

Solution-oriented: we are driven to find the best solutions together. Pragmatic, always with a positive mindset.

Clear: we do what we believe in and speak our mind. We put people in motion with soulful decisiveness.

What customers say about Jacqueline Evers

– Jacqueline listens well, immediately understands the problem, and explains it in an easy way.
– In addition, she immediately gives handles and gives feedback in a very pleasant way.
– Committed, accessible, professional, judgment-free, soothing.
– Confronting, honest, can assess situations quickly.
– Within a short time many new self-insights and different ways.
​- Jacqueline has a background in business and you can tell how she understands me.


Every year I help hundreds of people with life issues in the field of individual and partner / relationship development. I am qualified in relationship therapy (Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy), psycho and hypnotherapy (4-year courses) and certified Integrative Child Therapist (4-year course). I was also a core team teacher at the Dutch Academy of Psychotherapy. I am also trained in Voice Dialogue and Family Constellations


On the one hand it is about understanding each other and communicating in a pleasant way. I use the Transactional Analysis for this. A book that fits in well with this is ‘Games people play’ from Eric Berne.


Often partners try to change each other, which causes frustration on both sides. Basically everyone is looking for love, appreciation, support and to be yourself. Accepting each other and especially yourself as you are helps with that. The method I use for this is Voice Dialogue. Hal & Sidra Stone are the founders of this. In America I followed my initial 10 day training in 2008 and for many years after that I did further training and master classes

Dealing with difficult situations

Many things that cause stress happen in life. Cheating, dismissal, death, having children. This creates lots of thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Themes that arise from childhood are fear of commitment and separation anxiety, but also guilt and shame. Sue Johnson developed Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT). Scientific research has been done into this and it proves to be successful in 77% when it is used in relationship therapy.

What is my background

My working life starts in various commercial and management roles in the ICT industry at Getronics and Logica, among others. After my burnout in 2001 an inner transformation followed and I gave my life a 180 degree turn. I did two four-year post-graduate courses in Integrative Child Therapist and Integrative Psycho and Hypnotherapy. From 2004 to 2012 I helped children and adults in their personal development process. In addition, I was a core team lecturer at the Dutch Academy of Psychotherapy in Amsterdam and I gave personal development training to groups of business people.


At the end of 2011 it was another turning point in my career and I took on the role of Business Unit Manager of 25 Agile Consultants at Xebia in Hilversum, where I worked until mid-2014. I used a six-month sabbatical to redefine my course. . I did the training to become a Kundalini Yoga teacher and during that period I did 2.5 to 3 hours of Kundalini Yoga every day. I gave four yoga classes every week for two years and I organized retreats at home and abroad four times a year for a number of years.


In 2015 I worked independently as an interim manager at Rainmen Group. With the focus on achieving breakthroughs through interim management and breakthrough teams. In that work I enjoyed the rapid results and the achievement of the ambitions of organizations through the Accountability approach. What I missed was the attention to the individual and personal development.


From 2016 I started again with my therapy practice. The work gives me great satisfaction and I am grateful for the changes I see in people in a short time. I have closely supervised themes such as bonding and all other issues that children have to deal with early on. My training as an EFT relationship therapist made me discover new depths in myself and I like to pass on that knowledge and experience.
What sources do I use to help people?


I combine my experience as an entrepreneur and manager (setting goals and achieving results) with my feminine side (feeling and intuition) and psychotherapeutic knowledge and experience on the other (how do you feel when you experience the freedom to be yourself) and my spiritual approach ( about meaning and existential desires). Click here to read how and with what I have helped people.


Why am I doing that?

I have found that it is my talent to help people find themselves and wake up their potential. How do you know if it worked people sometimes ask me. When I see their eyes sparkling, I know.

Mission and vision

Loveworkx offers programs for couples who have to make a choice: to improve or to break up.
80% of relationships improve. Whatever the outcome, you will come out stronger.


Inspiratie in the field of couples therapy

  • Sue Johnson – Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), ‘Hold Me Tight’
  • Gary Chapman – ‘The five languages ​​of love’
  • Hal & Sidra Stone – ‘Embracing ourselves’
  • Esther Perel – ‘Mating in Captivity’ and ‘The state of affairs’